
VISCOMTWO. Sketches.

Okay, so it's no surprise that drawing isn't my forte. But these are my sketches for the icon project. To fully view it click on the image to get the full size(not the best quality ever). The paper in the center of the image are the intentional drawings of the five objects that I picked to draw. My five objects I picked from my list of 10 were splash, stopwatch, suit, goggles/cap, whistle. All the sketches around the center drawing(minus the smaller papers above and below the center paper) are all intuitive drawings of the objects. Faster sketches that take less time to make and that focus less on form and more on the feeling of the object.

From this point I pick three objects of those fave(probably the suit, stopwatch, and whistle) and refine them and then create a set of iterations with different styles applied to them.

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